Imagine a golf buggy that can be conveniently stored in the back of an SUV and, with the push of a button,
transforms into a feature rich vehicle surpassing traditional golf carts. Take your buggy home with you!!
UK Patent :2217886.7
UK Patent :2217886.7
Transport your buggy to different courses in your car
Avoid risk of buggies unavailable for rent at course
Enable single golfers to use own buggy on the course
Great for Proshop rental: offers >50% storage space saving compared to traditional buggies
Aircraft material construction with sprung hydraulic suspension (Modern gadget)
Avoid expenditure of storing buggy at golf course
Electric power: no noisy, fuming engines
Recharges battery, as well as offers personal weather protection
As well as inventing the Promantiz, Glen McFarlane is the former Managing Director of JDSUniphase Oxford Ltd and is the named inventor on multiple patents.
Glen McFarlane invented a product that was awarded the Emmy Award in 2020
The device is a fibreoptic interconnect system that enables TV cameras to broadcast in UHD
First used at the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta, this device has become the world standard in the broadcast industry. It is used when covering major events such as the world cup, major royal events and other prestigious sporting events around the world.
UK Patent :2217886.7